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Home > Departments > IRT - Training & Instructional Support > Banner Finance > 25BNR9REC - ONL - Receiving in Banner 9 Administrative Pages

This is a new self-paced Receiving training in Administrative Pages (Banner 9) in Canvas! 

Do you need help with receiving? This self-directed training is designed to help Rowan employees learn how to receive goods and services in Banner Administrative Forms. Beginners will learn how to receive two types of purchase orders - regular (complete and partial receiving) and standing. The course consists of five short videos, including knowledge checks and short guided assignments.

Important Note: 

Please note that this training is self-paced and does not have the immediate response of a trainer. 

If you do not have access yet to Banner Finance, please send a request through Self-Service Banner for query and posting access to the department’s funds and orgs. To access, log into Self-Service Banner. Go to the Main Menu, click Banner Access Request Menu, and then click Request a Security Change.  This will take you to a request form that you can fill out detailing your Finance Security request. It usually takes 7 DAYS to get access.

There is a training video on how to fill out the finance security request form. To access it log into Self-Service Banner. Go to the Main Menu, Click on Banner Access Request Menu, and then click How to Request a Security Change. You must view the video in Google Chrome.

For more information about this training and other IRT trainings, please contact Sheena Pierce at 856-256-4179 or

Who should take this training?

If your job responsibilities are:

  • Placing orders for your department
  • Managing/reviewing a budget
  • Receiving goods and services for your department

The primary focus of this training is to learn how to receive orders in Administrative Pages (Banner 9).

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