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Home > Departments > Cooper Medical School Faculty Center > Faculty Development and Training > CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION: Faculty Development Enduring Materials Series - "Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: An Individualize Approach to Care"

“Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IIDD) – An Individualized Approach to Care" 

Cooper University Health Care received a grant to better care for patients with IIDD. As part of this grant, CUHC developed a lecture series to support education of our faculty.  This session provides the participants with an update on Cooper’s program for patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities to improve care.  The audience will be provided with a synopsis of challenges faced by this patient population and with tools to how best meet their needs during healthcare encounters.

Presented by: 

Franziska Jovin, MD, MMM 
Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, CMSRU 
Senior Vice President & Chief Experience Officer 
Coooper University Health Care     

The intended audience for this CME activity includes all practicing physicians, residents, fellows, students, nurses, pharmacists, hospital administrators, and medical school administrators.  

