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Home > Departments > Cooper Medical School Faculty Center > Faculty Development and Training > CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION: Faculty Development Enduring Materials Series - "Turning Everyday Work into Scholarly Activity"

“Turning Everyday Work into Scholarly Activity" 

Dr. Carrie Phillipi is an academic pediatrician who cares for patients in the outpatient and inpatient settings. In this session, Dr. Phillipi describes a fulfilling clinical career made richer and more fun with teaching, research, and quality improvement.  She will introduce some strategies that might be used to make the most of what you already enjoy doing--and in the process, creating and disseminating new knowledge. Make the most of your busy academic life by harnessing curiosity, pursuing your passions to improve care, and using collaborators and networks to turn your everyday work into scholarship.

Presented by: 

Carrie Phillipi, MD, PhD 
Professor of Pediatrics
Vice Chair of Education, Department of Pediatrics  
Oregon Health & Sciences University 

The intended audience for this CME activity includes all practicing physicians, residents, fellows, students, nurses, pharmacists, hospital administrators, and medical school administrators.  

