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Home > Departments > College of Humanities and Social Sciences > CHSS Self Directed Learning Modules > Fall24/Spring25: Advanced Module: Crossing the Finish Line & Start of Your Next Journey

Crossing the Finish Line & the Start of Your Next Journey: Students’ senior year signifies a period of change and new beginnings. As students prepare for this transition, planning and preparation are essential for successful life outcomes upon graduation. The advanced level module equips students with the fundamental knowledge to identify, apply, and secure viable employment and advanced degree opportunities. Completing the content from this module will empower students to begin pursuing their career objectives before graduation and to have a head start on their new life journey.


All videos and quizzes within each module must be submitted by the date assigned by he students’ academic professor. CHSS faculty members have complete control assigning the specific date the certificate of completion is due. 

Important Information: 

Please create a marketplace account with the name and email address of the individual who will be completing these modules. The marketplace account information will be the name shown in the course and on the certificate of completion. Lastly, please email Patrick Massaro ( if you have any questions or difficulty completing the module. 
